Despite that, it still works as a means to soothe and massage the nerves as you tinker about in the item box or choose to save your game. No better place than any than to start with the very original! The very first Resident Evil's is certainly a standout at least in part because it's what first begun the trend. I also decided to add Dino Crisis 1 & 2 to the list because they themselves have some very evocative Save Room themes of their own, and the original Dino Crisis in particular is essentially a Resident Evil game in all but name only anyway.

As such, I wanted to make a poll to see what is Resident Evil's most popular rendition of its recurring Save Room theme, and to also simply celebrate some pretty good music! Resident Evil music in general I feel is a little underappreciated, likely due to it being lost under the shadow of Akira Yamaoka's work in the Silent Hill series. There have been many times during my first playthrough of many Resident Evil games, especially the earlier ones where I was in my pre-teens, that I would intentionally just hang around, doing nothing at note, listening to the music. They exist as a temporary bubble of respite, a warm bed to relax in far away from the dangers and ammo conservation worries of the 'outside world', and the theme music of the Save Room is a strong proponent of what creates the necessary level of comfort within these havens. The Save Rooms of Resident Evil are about as iconic as the tank controls, camera angles, and gerbil sandwiches of the series.