
Windows 10 photo viewer crash
Windows 10 photo viewer crash

windows 10 photo viewer crash

Examining the event viewer > system logs I saw the error, event ID 7031, for the SMS agent. Basically, each time the CCM client attempted to fire, it would immediately crash and over the course of a few days it had created GBs worth crash dumps. To my surprise, I saw it was littered with thousands of CcmExec.exe.****.dmp files. A couple days later, they still reported the issue occasionally happening, and I put this one on the back burner while I investigated the issue with the crashing CCM client, assuming they might be related as both were SMS\CCM client issues that started occurring after the 1703 to 1709 update.Ĭurious if there were any missing components in the CCM client install, I navigated to C:\Windows\CCM to examine the file structure of the directory. Time is limited and in-depth crash debugging can be terrible complex so I only use WinDbg when I absolutely have to and do not jump too deep into dump analysis, so I left it at that and asked those having the issue with Remote Control Viewer to run off to computer vendor site and update video drivers. Initially, I had assumed this was related to the video system or one of its components, and running the memory dump through a debugger hinted that this might be the case: The only suspect at this point was the recent Win10 update from 1703 to 1709 that we had started pre-deploying to some technician workstations to weed out problems.Īdditionally, I had also received a few complaints from the helpdesk of the CCM Remote Control Viewer crashing the OS (bugcheck or BSOD) when they were trying to connect to someone’s workstations, usually when trying to resize the viewer window. However, in this case, that approach had no effect.

windows 10 photo viewer crash

Usually, this is corrected by uninstalling the CCM client and (also referred to as the SMS agent), upon restarting of the system, it is reinstalled or we just manually push the client from the CCM Manager to the problem machine again.

windows 10 photo viewer crash

One of our tier 1 technicians asked me to look at their workstation after not being able to install anything from the Software Center or Application Catalog.

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  • Windows 10 photo viewer crash